Thank you so much for sharing in this incredible journey! I learned so much myself and gained a deeper appreciation and kinship to Ugandans, and Africa in general. This shot is from my friend who snapped is as we were initially greeted by the Shanti Uganda women. I am in the yellow shirt full of joy! All these women were so inspiring, all HIV positive, dressed in their best clothing, dancing and singing for us in welcome! These women believe in the mission of Shanti Uganda, supporting natural and healthy births, for their daughters and future generations to come :)
By the way, we are continuing our work by starting a nonprofit called Seva Uganda, currently in the works of a partnership between Off the Mat Into the World and Women Like Us Foundation. The projects are continuing! We intend to do the following to make an even great impact to assist in the needs of Uganda today:
1- Acholi Project - we've already raised $4000 for a scholarship fund to educationt the Acholi children, partnering with Building Tomorrow to provide free education, and sponsor host families to take care of the child attending a school in their area. We intend to fund each child's schooling through University level so they can give back to their community later in live and end the cycle of poverty and aid dependency.
2- Building Tomorrow - we are continuing to raised funds for Building Tomorrow schools. We are involving US. public schools and universities to design, fundraise, and travel to Uganda to participate in the construction of the sponsored school. This will also help our endeavors with the Acholi.
3- Shanti Uganda - we are continuing to provide medical supplies and support for the new birthing center, especially to fund nurse salaries and education since staff is low.
4- New Hope School & Orphanage - we are providing school supplies for the children as well as starting a mentoring program with volunteers in the community to mentor and befriend an orphan. We will also support their medical care and education so they can also give back to their community later in life.
I also just started running Yoga In Action groups, empowering local interested individuals through a journey of self discovery to uncover their life purpose, and align their life with that purpose. Then together we can truly make a difference and serve the world on a local and global scale.
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